In the Media
Fitness Workshop: Lindy Hop – Swing Patrol in The Telegraph
“Fitness Workshop: Lindy Hop”, The Telegraph, 8 November 2010
In the Media
“Fitness Workshop: Lindy Hop”, The Telegraph, 8 November 2010
In the Media
In 2009 Scott Cupit took to Trafalgar Square’s famous Fourth Plinth as part of Antony Gormley’s One And Other arts project, stopping hundreds of rush hour commuters in their tracks as he gave an impromptu swing dance class. About 100 students from Swing Patrol came along to perform with Scott. More than 14,000 people applied […]
In the Media
A highlight of our first year in London was the hour Scott Cupit spent on the Plinth in Trafalgar Square. Named as one of the top 10 out of 2400 hours.
In the Media
Roadtrip Nation is an Australian documentary series covering people who define their own road in life.