Scott’s pep talk and all the best to our team

Hey everyone,

I am sending this to our Swing Patrol team in Sydney, Melbourne & London even though the focus is on our London team who are competing at Savoy Cup this weekend. Yes something very special happened last year (watch the four winning troupe routines here and the amazing Michaela, Tine and others in action) and it was quite surreal to have so many scene leaders at the end of last year come up to say well done to us all. In particular I remember Juan (Argentina) , Gaston (in Madrid), Maria (Sweden) and Ron & Sharon from Holy Lindy Land make a special effort to come and say congratulations on what was a “teams event” clean sweep by Swing Patrol. It’s fair to say that a benchmark was set and the competition this year will be fierce. After the fun but taunting messages from team Marseille we so want to beat them in the team battle.. and at least not lose in round one like last year ( *still awkward*.)


Savoy Cup 2017 Charleston Final

Check out Tine Gatchalian doing her thing!

Why am I sending a team message? Because the results were not the thing that made me the most proud. It was this message from Remy and he has been very clear that he wanted me to share this with the team. It captures what our collective vision is at Swing Patrol and what we try to achieve as a group of people and a group passionate about our dance. It’s the joy, the community (fun clip to watch as the results were announced) , the presence and the example to others – and this is why I am sending this to our key Aussie team members also. With epic final rehearsals happening and the exodus to Montpellier starting tomorrow I thought today would be a good time to send this message.


Savoy Cup Results Announcement

Get a sense of the joyous atmosphere with this fun clip!

From Remy…

“Hey Scott,
This message comes a little after the storm, but I meant to write you since Savoy Cup and never did. Sorry! I wanted to salute and congratulate you about everything you have made, created and developed… Since our conversations couple of years ago, you know that I’m admiring and supporting you. And I’m really, really happy to witness where your business vision brings you. And therefore grateful about what you bring to the Lindy community – on a worldwide level. Cause it’s contagious and beneficial internationally. I have been impressed about all the crew that came to Montpellier and what they have communicated. Without mentioning that every team KILLED it, what stroke me the most is the attitude London peeps had off the dance floor. Supporting each other, creating a vibe like every dancer they were shouting for was unique and the best in a way. I don’t know if I can make it clear here by writing but yeah – I’ve been happily amazed and I wanted to share that with you. I know this can’t all come from you but it means to me that you had the skill to surround yourself by the right persons. Seriously, I even start considering moving to London and collaborate with your scene. If I can contribute to this scene that I’m amazed by, that could be awesome. I ever wanted to give my daughter a school experience abroad. So it won’t happen anytime soon but in 4 or 5 years from now that could be something that happen. And let me tell you that because of your hard work and labour, London is a city that I would love to explore the possibility. Long story short, congratulation and please keep doing your thing. The Lindy world will never be thankful enough for what you’re doing!”

Thank you to our six London troupe leaders – Matt Bedell (our New York secret weapon so heroic in so many ways and a true visionary), Moe Sakan (adding that touch of class that we are so lucky to have access to) and of course our two Dixie Dinah troupe leaders Ash & Robyn who have navigated, curated and managed the Dinahs to levels that no one could have dreamed of. Many Skyliners are in individual events so Ben, Michaela and Cat should be acknowledged also.

Ash is moving back to Australia over next few months and London will miss you terribly. The Dinahs will miss your leadership and have truly represented. The commitment that all troupe members, teachers, competitors have showed over recent weeks has been nothing short of herculean.

Love every step you take and thank you for being such great ambassadors of our Swing Patrol family and of the dance itself. We all wish each and every competitor the very best. See you in Montpellier,


.. let’s do this.. 🙂

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