We received a lovely message from a dancer in the UK, we were very moved by it and wanted to share it with our community with Louise’s kind permission:
Hi Scott,
I just wanted to thank you for your swing dance book. My mum has severe Alzheimer’s and last week I sat with her and showed her your book. She is 90 years old and can remember dancing ” the jitterbug” like it was yesterday. The pictures of the fashion she used to wear made her have a lovely conversation with me about the things she used to make and the dance halls she used to go to here in Gloucester. Her eyes lit up when she saw Count Basie’s name written in the book and the other bands she remembered dancing to so thank you for that as I haven’t seen her eyes shine for a long time. I met you last year at Rock bottoms and enjoyed yours and Laura’s classes very much. I dance with Gary And Sara Boon and I teach Balboa here. Hope to meet you again soon, and Thank you again.
Louise Marfell.